Welcome to the SensoQuest GmbH

Executive Director:
Dipl. Phys. Jörg Schrader
SensoQuest GmbH was founded in 2005. The company is privately financed. The team of physicists, engineers and biologists has more than 20 years experience in the thermocycler market. The Labcycler Basic and Gradient with the Thermoblocks 48, 96, and 384 were launched in 2005, followed by the smallest Triple Block system in 2008. The Labcycler 48 was launched in 2010. This small system is optimal for personal use and has 4 versions with aluminium and silver blocks. All Thermocyclers are produced in Goettingen. Service is as well in Germany.
- Headquarters: Göttingen, Germany
- Thermocyclers “Made in Germany”
- Worldwide Distibutor net
- Competent team
- Immediate and direct support

Since 15 years, the SensoQuest GmbH has produced high-quality thermal cyclers with the brand Labcycler for industry and public research institutes. The company is focused on the gold-plated silver blocks. Silver has thermal conductivity of 427 W/mK, much better than aluminum (237 W/mK). Low power consumption, low noise, fast heating and cooling rates during real operations and the cycling, as well as a cool down under the freezing point demonstrates the performance of the Labcycler. All this resulted in a long lifetime. A self-calibration system completes the Labcycler product line.